Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Kate Adie Central

I'm determined to get through this blog posting without using the phrase "kicking off"

Well its all kicking off (damn) in central Manchester tonight dear readers. Me and DD even had to alter our cocktailing plans to avoid all the stuff kicking off (bugger) in Piccadilly Gardens. We'd originally been planning to go to The Grill On New York Street only according to the police it was more like Grill in the Bronx tonight on account of stuff all kicking off (bloody hell) on Portland Street. The policewoman on Piccadilly Station actually said to me "well you might be safe if you walk down Portland Street. But frankly honey is a Chase Vodka martini worth it?" (I might have made the second sentence up).

So we went to Felicinis instead but even they locked and barred the front doors and made us leave by the fire exit on account of stuff all kicking off (aaaaaargh) on Oxford Street. And that bloody police helicopter won't shut the f%^$ up so there"ll be no sleep for me tonight.

Anyway, I'm too giddy with the excitement of everything kicking off (what the hell) tonight to sleep anyway. Rest assured though dear readers that I'm home safe and sound in my pyjamas and very nearly tucked up in bed with a good George R R Martin. That's all. J x

1 comment:

fig said...

Glad you are safe. Though I enjoyed our texts last night, I wasn't happy until you'd got home.

fig x x