Sunday, July 31, 2011

Starting to Rain Now

But it held off last night for the Halle open air concert at Tatton Park. For once. It was glorious, marred only by the usual chavs in the audience talking through the music and the chav on stage (Lesley Garrett) warbling like some demented pub singer. She has a voice that hovers between being perfect for opera and great for musicals but doesn't quite hit the note for either. I'm not a fan.

But the food was good, the drink was good and the company was, as ever, superb. I really should go out with Jane & Bill more because they're really nice people (even if Jane and I will never agree on anything work related). Maybe I should take their advice and sign up for the Royal Exchange season ticket each year. One to think about...

Work... I can't even begin to tell you. No really, I can't. Karen will shout at me.

Last week at Paul & Maggie's was great. The food was divine (thank you Paul) and I met a whole load of new people and had a fun night. Paul & Maggie are lovely people too. In fact my life is full of lovely people for which I am eternally grateful.

Ma & Pa (also lovely people) are OK. Father goes into hospital on 16/08 for a cataract operation so I'll go home for a few days to help out. Mother sees her specialist on 17/08 so I'll wait around for that too. That's all. Oh apart from I have some am dram to go to tonight (yes, its Jim) which could be good.... That really is all. J x

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