Friday, August 26, 2011

Thank Fuck

So talked to my old Ma this afternoon and the news is all good. Looks like the "5cm abnormality" is not in the lymph gland but is in fact a "quite common" cyst/growth/thingy next to the adrenal gland. And its benign. There may need to be a biopsy to make sure and there will undoubtedly be further scans in the future to check everything is still OK but bloody hell. How good is all that? I can't tell you how relieved I am (and that can only be a tenth of what my old Ma (God bless 'er) is feeling). Phew. Should be able to sleep tonight at least... Peace to all and thank you for your prayers (if you prayed). That's all for now.

And Happy Pride everyone. J x


Kathryn said...

Thank Fuck indeed. That is truly wonderful news. We are all thrilled. Yay!!!!

NannyOggandGreebo said...

What wonderful news. Please tell her how relieved and pleased we all are on her behalf.