Monday, August 15, 2011

Not Good News

So attended the consultation with the oncologist with my mother this afternoon. It sounds as though her cancer is back. They don't know too much without a CT scan and a biopsy (CT scan will happen on Wednesday with the results of that known on 26/08). But the oncologist is talking about a 5cm "abnormality" in my Mum's lymph nodes. This is in the same general area as the first two instances of cancer she had so, fingers crossed, if it is cancer, its the same type and can be cured simply by chemotherapy without the need for surgery. Of course, as anyone who has been through it knows, "simply" by chemotherapy doesn't begin to explain what its like to go through. All we can say really is that it is better than having surgery and the chemotherapy.

The last time she had chemotherapy she lost all her hair and it was at the same tine as my sister died (and it will be the 10th anniversary of Sally's death on 23/08 this year) so it is difficult to know what it will be like for her this time. Hopefully she is strong enough to come through it again like last time. Rest assured me and my Dad and anyone who knows her will be doing their level best to ensure that this is what happens. I know my Mum is scared - who wouldn't be - and putting a brave face on this which makes it difficult to offer help. But she knows I'll be there to do whatever I can.

Don't know what else to say really. We can't make any decisions or plans until we know what to expect from her treatment and we can't know this with any certainty until 26/08. Fingers crossed until then. If you do pray, please remember us in your prayers. Thanks. J x

1 comment:

Joolz said...

Oh Jonathan, I'm so sorry to hear this news. You and your family seem to get more than your fair share of adversity. I'll say a prayer for your mum (and you and your dad) and light a candle for you. Stay positive. Love from Joolz x x x