Friday, April 22, 2011

Oh Glorious Day

What a lovely day. I'm sat on the terrace typing this - topless! Yes I'm looking to kick start my tan for Portugal by freezing my nipples off in the weak morning sunshine. However, I come from hardy Welsh stock that should see me survive the resulting pneumonia (hey, I've done it once). In fact, only one nipple appears to be freezing off but that could be because I only have sensation in one nipple on account of the surgeons stuffing the other one at the back of my throat to plug the gap left by the tumor.

So, busy day ahead. Need to get all my shopping done as DD is stealing the car tomorrow. I need to tidy parts of the flat ready for film night tonight (Michelle's choice and we've no idea which film she's chosen). It will be a good night though I'm sure involving as it will food, drink and general merry-making.

Day off tomorrow and then off on errands of mercy on Sunday to my sick friend Jim (well, not that sick to be fair as he seems to be doing really well following the heart attack and we'll be going to a garden centre which, as regular readers will know, is one of my all time favourite things to do). Night out with DD afterwards and then its the hard slog to get the flat ready for the Aged Ps (we're all flying from Manchester to Portugal). Looking forward to it and have ordered my Book Groups next three books off Amazon this morning to give me some holiday reading while I'm away (to be fair this is about the onpy time I manage to actually get through the books). That's all for now. J x


Kathryn said...

You have a nipple in your throat? Wow. That is an unbeatable dinner party conversation stopper.

Hardy Welsh stock, snigger. Hardy Welshmen are never allowed out until July unless wrapped up in sixteen layers of woollen combinations with a liberal application of goose grease. No idea what goose grease is or does, but it appears to be an elderly relative's weapon of choice in cold weather. Being Welsh, we're genetically programmed not to do sunshine - we can manage rain, drizzle and fog very well.

Jonathan said...

Not really. I do have some of my chest muscle back there though. And my right nipple does have no sensation on account of the nerves having been cut during surgery.

Afraid I'm not going to be able to make cousin Hilary's July do as I'm already booked to be in Kent. I'm sure it will be a great party though... J x