Sunday, October 31, 2010

Its All Greek

So off to London for Onassis. To One Aldwych for cocktails and lunch first. It was fabulous as ever. Onassis was a little less fabulous. Robert Lindsey was, of course, brilliant. And the play could have been brilliant but needed to have been written more as a play and less as a documentary. The supporting cast were not great - even though the guy playing Aristotle's son looked great in his pants. To the Waldorf afterwards for more cocktails where I had a Waldorf-tini. Same as a vodka martini except that its mixed in a gold cocktail shaker and has edible gold and silver flakes added. Rather extravagant but fun. Left DD in London as she was off to a friends in Guildford for the weekend so me and B &M caught the train home. Extra hour in bed this morning which was nice. That's all. J x


fig said...

Knowing you love of this particular piece of 'art', I thought you might be interested to see this interpretation ...

Jonathan said...

That is really good. Tricity Vogue is a superb name for any artist. Would love to go and see her if she ever comes p this way. Ta chuck. J x