Sunday, October 24, 2010

Been a While Again

Sorry about that. So what's been happening? Have been to the Bridgewater Hall for The Planets Suite by the Houston Symphony Orchestra (could have been done better I thought although the music is good). Saw WNO's production of Fidelio at The Grand in Swansea (superb apart from size and shape of principals - I'm a fan of appropriate casting (there's a technical name for this that escapes me for the moment) but to see a starving prisoner played by someone who is wider than he's tall (to be fair he's quite short) is not good). We've had the Spending Review announcements - not too bad for HMRC and my job on the face of it but we won't know quite how it will all play out until April. And then yesterday I went to an all day film workshop-thing on The Manchurian Candidate (hence Jane's link in the comments of the previous post). Had a great day with Jane (she's always good company even though we will never agree on a single thing that's work related), met some really interesting people and got to see a great film in a really cute old theatre in the middle of Glossop (who knew Glossop had such treasures?). And I'm off to some arts and crafts thing with DD and friends in Spinningfields this afternoon. Need to buy some gloves first though. Busy as ever.... That's all. J x

1 comment:

fig said...

Wooh. Ain't you the cultural fairy? Flitting from art to art.

I am in Paris at the moment en vacance avec Mark. Going to the Eiffel Tower today and hoping to see Grace Jones jump off the side with a parachute . . . or was that just something that happened in 'A View To A Kill'?

Staying in a flat in Parmentier (bit of a scruffy area but good metro links).

Au reviour, Le Fig x