Sunday, November 01, 2009

Relatively Quiet

Been on a training course most of the week: Developing Confident Managers. Got another 2 full weeks on this to do later in the year so I'm not there yet! There was some useful stuff though amongst all the management speak - including a session on delivering difficult messages, which hasn't come a moment too soon...

Went to the cinema with Gill and Lesley to see Up on Thursday. A good film but don't believe all the hype.

Then Friday it was off to a former colleague's "partial retirement do". Honestly, people have parties at the drop of a hat these days. It was good though and I was able to catch up with a lot of Manchester people. Then went to meet DD, Ev and dave for a further drink.

Saturday was taken up with shopping for food (mostly for Madam, who is doing a lot better on her foot but isn't quite up to a full Sainsburys shop yet). Then met her in town for some venue shopping - we're trying to find a suitable place to hold her (non) retirement party (apparently there's a difference between leaving a place of work for good and retiring but don't get me started). Anyway we (by which I mean she) has decided on Mojo. Its a great venue, really nice set-up but has no draft beer. Expect complaints! DD maintains that she only knows classy people who are happy with bottles (of wine mostly) but I say she doesn't know the full capacity of a grade 7 to cause a fuss when he or she feels they're being over-charged for their alcohol. We'll see.

Then met Bryn & Michelle for a drink before they headed off to see Up. Nice to see them and me and DD are off to a Bonfire Night thing at theirs next Friday. Should be good. That's all. J x

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