Saturday, November 07, 2009

Not a Lot

So, been another quietish week. Went to London on Tuesday for some "Top Layer Coaching". I am ridiculously pleased that someone decided to call it that as it makes me feel very important. It doesn't really matter that most of the Department will get it eventually, I'm in only the "second wave" of rollouts so most people in the Department haven't even heard about it yet. So I try and drop the phrase into conversations whenever I can. Childish I know but there you are.

To a party at Bryn & Michelle's last night. Drunk a fair bit of vodka but didn't fall over so that was good. Managed to leave my umbrella there which wasn't so good. Had a good time but suffering today. Now as long as it doesn't rain between now and when I see them at the opera next Friday everything will be fine!

On the help line tonight so hoping its a little busier than last time (nil calls). Come on Manchester gay people, someone out there must be having a crisis for God's sake... That's all. J x

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