Tuesday, November 24, 2009

On Again Off Again

Sorry for delay in blogging but I was awaiting definite news. Last week I had a letter from the hospital asking me to telephone them to confirm that I was fine for the date of my gall bladder operation and in the same post (albeit dated a day later) was a letter telling me the operation had been cancelled due to "unforeseen circumstances". The letter continued "rest assured that as soon as a new date becomes available I will contact you again". I was really angry because, first of all - get your act together, and secondly I'd already put loads of arrangements in place as to how I was going to manage all this. And thirdly, didn't they care that I may drop to the floor writhing in agony at any second? (oh please, allow me my drama queen moment)

So I tried telephoning Clare (Mr Li's - my surgeon - secretary) but she doesn't work Fridays. And then she wasn't in yesterday. Finally got to speak to her today and its all back on again now for the original date. Talk about breweries and piss ups. But I'm glad we're back on track. Luckily I hadn't undone all the arrangements I'd put in place so its not too bad. I was really depressed over the weekend though which I think was down to this. Anyway, feel much better now although of course there's never enough time to do everything. Got another of those bloody week long course things next week which means loads of pre-reading (16 hours this time which I suppose is better than the 23 hours for the last one: but only just). And its in Liverpool this time rather than Manchester which means extra traveling. Hey ho. Can't be helped. I just hope that recovery won't take longer then the 2 weeks. I'll hopefully find out more details at my pre-op on Monday.

Other news. Had a good week last week. Went to the Royal Exchange with Lesley, Sara & DD to see "Pub" (well, you would wouldn't you) which was a nice idea although the writing could have been better to my way of thinking. Then it was Hot Mikado on Saturday night with Jim. Am dram in a "Civic Suite" in the middle of one of the largest council estates in Manchester. What could be better? In fact it was enormous fun. Everyone overacted like mad but because this was Gilbert & Sullivan (sort of) it didn't really matter. Also went to the cinema with Gill to see 2012. Good effects but bloody awful story. Typical Americans and their need for a happy ending at all costs...

Other news - Lesley got promoted (yay), DD's foot appears much better and she's limping in heels now rather than a big yeti boot (I know, but there's no telling her) and its bloody dark every evening and morning. Roll on shortest day and then on to summer.

Am exhausted now and its full on from now until they lay me on the operating table and start poking long shiny sharp things into me (I'm assuming there are no actual keys involved since they would be rather blunt and painful). That's all for now. J x

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