Sunday, July 06, 2008

Ooooooh, Dr Who

What did you think? I'm not so sure. No new Doctor? Were we happy with the explanation? I'll watch it again (Sky + is fantastic) and post again. That's all. J x


newcastlewench said...

Last week was the perfect episode, every scene had some new "oooh!!!" factor. The finale? I was trying to watch the programme but RTD kept getting in the way. It was SOO his swan-song.
But while not as brilliant as last week, it wasn't a disappointment. (apart from perhaps the bit about 'grow a new doctor for Rose', that was a bit tacky). Loved the humour - Dalek Khan channelling Spike Milligan, Donna trying to make a move on Capt Jack. And the german dalek going "exterminaten" or whatever it was.
Mickey in Torchwood? That would work for me. The mind-wipe was a bit of a lame ending, after being told that someone would die, to find that it was only a memory dying was a cop-out. But why couldn't there have been a human time lord out there somewhere? She didn't have superpowers, just an enhanced brain. The Dr's daughter is still out there, Donna could have gone out there too.
But if Donna's gone, that means no more Wilf. That's worth grieving over. He was the best bit of every episode he was ever in. (AND he'd battled daleks before, in one of the Peter Cushing dalek films. He was in the one that Roy Castle wasn't in. You forget that Roy Castle fought daleks. I suppose he had: extermination, woa-oh-oh extermination). (Sorry)

Darth Vader said...

I am with you on the Dr. Only got into this late (much more caught up with Capt Jack) but got myself all excited about Saturdays epi. I think if I was Rose I would feel a bit cheated that I got the "spare part" Doctor and not the real one. And I think Donna deserved something a bit better than the chav temp in Chingford she got left with. The others have all gone off and done something exciting. Even K9 is having more fun and he is in a cupboard half the time!

Read somewhere that aside from the 3 one-off specials (which is surely a contradiction in terms!) there is no new series til 2010! Surely that cannot be true! How can a gal last without a regular does of that spiky hair and trainers combo?