Thursday, March 01, 2007

Open Wide

To the hospital dentist this morning. He says that he could give me dentures if I insist but that having dentures would mean possibly accelerating the decay of the rest of my teeth. Decided therefore not to have them for the moment. Since I can't swallow at the moment, chewing isn't really an issue. I'll reconsider if and when I get my swallow back. The dentist also took an X-ray of my teeth. This showed firstly that the radiotherapy hasn't done too much damage to my jaw bones (the good news) but also showed that another screw appears to have worked loose from the metal piece holding my jaw together (the bad news). Will have to speak to Sean about this. Who was handling the bloody screwderiver in that operating theatre?

Met the lovely newcastlewench for a drink after work as she was passing through this fair city of ours. She's fit and well and had bought me a goody bag of presents (thank you). These included some lovely smelly bath stuff, some pretty stones (I've no idea what I'm going to do with them) some baby food (mostly fruit based so will be nice with custard although one was "cottage pie - not sure I fancy that) and a magazine showing me how to put on muscle in 12 easy steps (well at least i can look at the pictures!).

Also had a letter from my GP saying he'd had a referral from my optician but that he thought the optician was overreacting (how does he know?). Anyway, he didn't think it was worth a referral to the oncologist or opthalmologist. Hadn't the heart to tell him I'd already seen my oncologist and had been given a referral to the opthalmologist (although not heard anything yet). Also had a letter giving me an appointment for an MRI scan which is next Wednesday which is lucky as that is the day I see Frances and the nutritionist too.

And I think that's about everything apart from mentioning my mum who has a bad foot. The blood tests appear to show that she may have Type 2 diabetes. We think she'll go for a second opinion though. I'll keep you posted.

Spoke to DD tonight. She's still feeling a little poorly but better than she was so fingers crossed for her too. And that's your lot folks... J x

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