Friday, June 15, 2012

Home Again, Home Again

Clippety Clop. So, father has taken a tumble and broken his left wrist. It happened yesterday morning and he went to casualty where they put him in plaster and gave him paracetomol. Bloody bloody nurses. What the f is wrong with them? A broken wrist and you're given paracetomol? Of course its not quite as simple as it sounds as he's on warfarin which means there are many painkillers he's not allowed to take. But even so. He's on co-codomol now which they gave him at the fracture clinic this morning. He sounds OK and the pain has eased from yesterday. I'm off home tomorrow and have taken Monday off. I'll update you when I've seen him. He has to be in plaster for 6 weeks. Luckily its his left wrist but its a huge inconvenience all the same. It means their trip to London os off as is their trip to Devon. Luckily Mum has finished her chemotherapy so she's able to look after him. But then if she was still on chemotherapy they wouldn't have gone shopping so he wouldn't have slipped. Swings and slides etc. In other news I did some training at the helpline yesterday evening on tackling calls from boys and men who have been sexually assaulted. Not a bundle of laughs I can tell you but I feel a lot better about taking that sort of call now. Luckily I've only ever had one call on that topic but it upset me for days. Still the trip home will mean I'm with Dad for Father's Day on Sunday and can help him open the present I spent a fortune sending through the post... That's all. J x

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