Sunday, May 29, 2011


Although of course lots of exciting things happened in the week -

Monday - was meant to go to the City parade with DD but didn't in the end - too busy at work
Tuesday - worked on the Help Line and then attended the steering group meeting with Jim & Geoff where lots of things were decided
Wednesday - cinema: Pirates of the Caribbean with Gill - rubbish film
Thursday - drinks in Malmaison with Chris (temporary bar, not very good) followed by hair cut
Friday - Lang Lang at Bridgewater Hall with Sara: superb. The man is fantastic.

So there you go. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Hope all is well with Mama Lewis? and your good self, of course, and naturally Papa Lewis, too.

Sounds like you needed the break to recharge your batteries. What a gadfly you are.

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Hellooooo? Is everything alright, my dear?

Jonathan said...

Hello there dear. Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. All is fine. Work is particularly busy at the moment which leaves me knackered a lot of the time. And then there's my social life... But I have a quiet weekend planned today and tomorrow which should see me recuperate somewhat. Although there's all that housework to catch up on! Hope you and yours are fine too. J x