Saturday, June 11, 2011

Another Busy Week

Hello dear readers. And welcome, particularly to my dear friend Maggie. You'll all have heard of her (I've been to many of her charity "dos" over the years as well as various parties and, now, on Thursday a meal out at Room with her, Paul (it was his 60th birthday), Ev and, the usual suspect, Madame DD). And what a good time we had although I suspect I was on less than sparkling form yesterday in work after a few to many VMs. Hey ho. The food was delicious, the cocktails divine and the company couldn't be bettered. Down to earth then last night on the Help Line with a dreamy Chilean guy called Precinct. I have never met anyone with that name before. And he has the most gorgeous brown eyes. I'm a sucker for brown eyes if truth be told. The line was quiet (just one call) so me and Precinct just chatted about his life. His mother is a sex worker! I meet the strangest people...

What else? Of to see X Men First Class on Wednesday with Gill. Film was good and it was good as ever to catch up with the Manchester gossip. Last Saturday we went to Alchemist again for a meal. The lovely Angus was there and came over to chat (Michelle reckons me and DD drooled over him but I beg to differ - although I cannot recall at this moment whether or not he has brown eyes - I suspect he does). Anyway, food and drinks were good but the music was a little too loud for talking so we repaired to the Midland for post-dinner cocktails. It was awash with its usual cast of chavs - including someone with a full face tattoo which was really disturbing to look at. There was a bride (there's always a bride at The Midland on a Saturday night) and the inevitable stream of cheaply-clad women walking from the ballroom to the front of the hotel for a fag.

So quiet weekend planned. Housework (boo) and gardening (possibly - depends on weather). And then back to busy week next week too. Does it never stop? Am off to London next weekend though to see Lord of the Flies in Regents Park and The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. Yay! That's all. J x

1 comment:

maggie said...

Thanks for the welcome, J. Been reading through some of your older blogs - what exactly do you have against Flixton?!