Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Still no word...

...on the job (or on the flat - apparently the designers are meeting with the builder tomorrow rather than today). Half a tooth fell out of my mouth when I got back last night. Not sure whether this counts as a karaoke injury and whether or not I should be suing my union. Anyway saw my (very cute) dentist today and he says its nothing to worry about because there's no decay involved. He's warned me to stay away from karaoke bars for...oh... the rest of my life! That's all. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Why haven't we seen a video clip of you singing at this karaoke thing? And are we not having any photos of your refurbed apartment on the blog - or is that a no-no at the moment? We could always hang these abominable builders from your terrace, if that would make you feel any happier.

Are you sure it isn't a surfeit of VMs which caused your tooth to fall out?

What books are you reading at the moment?

Nanny x

Jonathan said...

Currently reading the official book - Once Upon a Time in the North of course. What else would I be reading? J x