Monday, June 09, 2008

Not Even an Interview

Bastards. And no feedback either. How on earth is one supposed to improve one's applications if one isn't told where one failed the first time round? Really depressed that I didn't even get an interview. But I'll get over it. One day. Give it a couple of years or so... That's all. J x


Anonymous said...

Sweetheart its all subjective with absurd application form. You can ask for a copy of your SIFT report which you are entitled to see under DPA. That way you can see the scores on the doors and see which competences you need to improve. I strongly recommend you do this. Sorry bebs

Jonathan said...

Take me away from all this jerseylil. Take me for lunch or a coffee or something...

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Do you really want to work for a section that hasn't the taste to interview you?????

Jerseylil's right - get some idea of where they think you need reinforcing, in a manner of speaking.

Awh, never mind, honey - their loss, etc etc
Nanny xx

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Do you really want to work for a section that hasn't the taste to interview you?????

Jerseylil's right - get some idea of where they think you need reinforcing, in a manner of speaking.

Awh, never mind, honey - their loss, etc etc
Nanny xx

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Good grief, I don't know why my comments are in duplicate tonight - must be all that cosorting with revernue men...

Anonymous said...

Sorry bebs been really busy papa back in hospital so every lunch time I'm shopping for tissues and grapes and sweet temptations. Something hearty for my Mother and something easy for the guys to cook while I'm hopping over to Sheffield everynight.
The Tescos phone was for my mum she phoned me this morning to tell me it was completely duff. Turns out she turned it off but had not realised.

So can't go for lunch until friday earliest.

Though still fell disheartened after returning your wave then realising you're waving at completely different woman...philanderer