Thursday, May 22, 2008

Guess What?

No f***ing builder this morning. It really is unbelievable. You'd think that as a tax inspector I would have come across my share of liars but even the worst tax cheat isn't as bad as these builders. At least tax cheats have the honesty to dislike you. Builders are all smiles and laughs and then they stab you in the back. The last thing they said to me when they left was see you in the morning. They weren't here when I got here at 0800 and they're still not here and the main chap has turned his phone off. They did send "George" however. He is almost like a "negative builder" in that he is so inept that once he's finished a job you're in a worse position than you were when he started it. He's attempted to make sure that the bathroom door closes correctly. I have to wait until the paint dries to test if this is true. I fully expect it to fall off its hinges once I try it. I'll keep you posted. Fig arrives at 1530. Looking forward to seeing him and we're off to see The Scarlet Pimpernel am dram musical tonight. Trust me, compared to my builders its going to be like a night at the Royal Opera House... That's all. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Oh dear. You feel like ripping their heads off, don't you? If they're good, they have so many jobs on the go, you hardly see them, and if they're bad, they're all over you like a rash.

Hope you and the Figlet enjoy the SP tonight and that no doors drop on you on your return home. It's worse, though, when the bathroom tiles drop on you, believe me.

I thought Charlie and I had cornered the market in bowboy workmen but hiyo Silver - looks like you've got your share, pardner.

See you soon
Nanny x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Well obviously that was supposed to be 'cowboy'.

Jonathan said...

I did wonder, I wondered whether it was Northern slang for cockney (born within the sound of bow bells and all that)... J x