Thursday, December 20, 2007

Quick Update

Friday got blotto on VMs (I blame the trainees - they're all far too young and their constitutions too strong). Consequently was still drunk Saturday morning when I got up to catch the train to London. Sobered up by the time I arrived, thank God, met Fig and went to see Lord of the Rings (the musical). Not good. Although Fig enjoyed it. Then back to Brighton to see Fig's new kitchen (v nice). Sunday morning saw John for a bit and then up to Gatwick for flight back home. Monday morning off to Liverpool for meeting, Tuesday evening wrote Xmas cards, Wednesday lunch time went to civil service carol concert in St Anne's church (nice, haven't been to a carol concert for ages)and in evening got dragged out for a couple of VMs by Ms Drury (the one and only). Was supposed to have spent this evening wrapping Xmas presents but got distracted by computer instead. Will have to do them tomorrow now. Saturday its off to Swansea and therefore will be incommunicado for a week (unless I can wait for Dad's dial up to load so that I can blog - we'll see). That's all. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

I have been allowed access to the home's computer but I have had to do several menial tasks in order to win such privileges! Have a fabbo time at the Aged P's. I am being transported to Bolton on 23rd so let's hope I manage to do that without falling over yet again. So a vacancy at the home for the terminally bewildered will arise. Cows are accepted(clearly otherwise I wouldn't be here) as long as they have suitable P.J.s on.
Cats here are allowed to take tea and eat cake( see what I have to put up with!)
Anyway all of you in blog land and beyond Merry Christmas and have a fab New Year.

Lots of Love

Mrs T

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Someone's been using this computer who shouldn't have been. This will mean an immediate loss of privileges and no night-time cocoa (or, in Mrs T's case, no red wine OR cava!).

Am gently warming your chair at the fireside in the Nanny Ogg Home for the Mentally/Physically Handicapped as per your instructions.
Nanny xx