Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pain in the Back

I have a dry disc apparently and ther's nothing that can be done about it. That's the bad news. The good news is that I don't have a great big fat tumour sat on my spine. Neurologist was just what you'd expect really - mid 50s, smartly dressed, male... He was very nice though even though my heart sank when after listening to all my symptoms he uttered the immortal line "I've got just the same thing"! Luckily though we didn't spend the entire consultation talking about him. He showed me my scan results and it was very easy to see the one disc that was dry (and hence painful). He says my back is strong enough for me to go skiing if I want (not that I've ever been skiing before - nearly went once but that's a long long story) but I'm not to go bungee jumping. Phew.

He recommends going to the gym (so just as well I haven't let my membeship lapse even though I hsven't been for ages - Denise's fault) and maybe acupuncture (although that didn't work before) but not osteopathy but I coulod try massage or chiropractic. We'll see. There's a chiropracter who shares my dentist's premises so perhaps I'll try and arrange an initial consultation to see what they offer. And I'm sure massage will be fun!

Then off to book group in Didsbury (Jem & I) - very nice. We talked quite a lot about the book but none of us felt that it was particularly resonant that we were eating in a restaurant mentioned in the book.

Hospital in the morning (Frances, speech therapist - not expecting much) and then fashion show at HN i the evening after cocktails at Panacea with DD. That's all. J x

1 comment:

spotsrus said...

Well hello there...at last I have got the capability for blogging again. Ooh dry disc sounds yeuk and I do not s'pose that dry martinis will lubricate. Glad it wasn't anything sinister.

I will blog again soon

Love u lots & lots

The T's