Thursday, October 18, 2007

Busy Day

10 hours in work and then an hour of helpline training this evening. Actually it was a day's helpline training squished into an hour. I'm re-doing the training because its been so long since I last answered the phone on the helpline. I should have started last Saturday but I was at Macbeth so Jim kindly agreed to do this refresher for me. He's so nice. I'll be doing "Day 2" on Saturday. Out drinking tomorrow afternoon with my old boss Bob. It'll be great to see him because I haven't seen him since July and we'll have a lot to catch up on - well I will, he reads the blog apparently so he'll know everything I've done. Sould be nice and relaxig anyway after this bloody secondment which is driving me scatty. Had a "feedback" e-mail today from one of the trainees I've mentored this year. She's emigrating to Australia (I'm guessing its nothing to do with my mentoring) but the e-mail was so nice I barely recognised myself. She said the sweetest things. Anyway I forwarded it to my boss so he can see how good I am too. That's all. J x

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