Sunday, September 02, 2007


Welcome one and all to my blog which is coming to you now from my new apple laptop. And what a beauteous (not 100% sure that is an actual word) machine it is too. Its going to take some getting used to I suspect because nothing is where it was before but at least everything I've found so far works and doesn't crash and doesn't have a ny viruses. My aol e-mail doesn't appear to work on apple though so I'll have to sort out a new e-mail account but I'll tell you all about that on here when its sorted and send all of you (for whom I have an e-mail address) notification anyway. J x P.S. I apologise to those of you who had to witness my drunken rant on the subject of he working classes. It was deleted as soon as I had sobered up!


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Dear me - did I miss a Divine Right of Kings moment from our leader?

Haven't you got a free Googlemail account? I thought you used that for your blog, as I do. If you need a new Google invite, let me know.
Nanny x

Jonathan said...

Further Adventures In My Mac. Apparently I get a service (paid for natch) called dot mac. This allows me to set up a web page for photos and diary entries and, ooh, all sorts of other exciting stuff. I may therefore migrate the blog to this webpage. I'll let yu all know one I've set it up.

It also allows me to set up a Group page so it may be worth us thinking about using this for the book group. It alows members of the group to post diary entries, synchronise calendars and even publish (book related!) photos to the site. This sounds quite exciting. Perhaps we can discuss it on Thursday (is it Thursday? Do we know where we're going yet? Incidentally, have finished the book for next time too!).

So keep em peeled blog watchers. There could be a change coming to a computer screen near you soon. Hopefully it would also get away from all this having to remember paswords malarky that we all seem to have such trouble with... J x

Jonathan said...

Unfortnately, s good s the mac is, it doesn't automatically correct all my tiypos. Soory. J x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Yes, I believe reading group is next Thursday but don't yet know where. I believe the lovely Lisa volunteered to organise and she may have emailed, for all I know, but haven't seen anything.
Yes, it all sounds interesting for our blog, I agree. You will have to tell me how it differs from the usual blogging procedure.

Totally agree about the wearisomeness of having to constantly enter user names etc.

Well done you for having finished the next book, too. Hope you enjoy the December one although it is quite a tome. Still, I know you can speed-read when you want to!

Look forward to seeing you, honey.
Have a LOVERLY birthday on Wednesday!
Much love
Nanny xxxxx

Ms Tiramisu said...

have a very happy birthday eve!

and may the champers flow

have the bestest birthday!!


Jonathan said...

Thanks for the sentiment but I'm afraid champers is a no-no for me now. Dries my mouth too much. On the bright side, I'm managing perfectly well on vodka martinis. 46 eh? Still, as my dear old Mum so cherfully put it "every birthday is a blessing now"! I think we all know she meant it well... J x

Ms Tiramisu said...

oh no!
ok, i'll have the champers then,[i'm good like that]!
while you have lots of vodka martinis!

forget to say before.. for the 1st time i had a wristband for mardis gras[previously just watched the parade].
my tour guides were great,and those boys sure know how to party!

have a fantabulous birthday[and dont forget to also celebrate 'birthday boxing day',
i just lurve birthdays, including my own!!


Jon said...

A very happy birthday to you, PS any unwanted champers i think i could find a good home for.
All the best and welcome to 46

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Are you never going to do a post again, dear? Sorry I missed wishing you a happy birthday yesterday, but I shall see you tonight, I hope, to convey my best wishes in person.
Nanny xxxx