Saturday, September 29, 2007

Blogs, They're Just Mad

Have seen a blog today called "Lowecase L" that is dedicated to finding examples of people inappropriately using a lowercase L. There's pictures and everything. Mad I tell you... J x

1 comment:

newcastlewench said...

I just LOVE pedantry, in all its beautiful forms. But sadly, the greengrocer's apostrophe's are 'still s'preading acro's's the engli'sh speaking world in 'spite of being public knowledge for a very long time. 'So its unlikely that we a's a nation will correct lowerca'se l's anytime 'soon.

Do you think a few centuries ago the educated classes railed againft thif floppy way of putting an s into a written word inftead of a nice long curly f? And yet we've fwallowed it af a practice, hook line and finker.