Sunday, September 23, 2007


I have been listening mostly to Siouxsie, Bob Dylan and Paganini. Mostly. I have also been washing, ironing, hoovering, tidying and dusting. I have also been playing on the computer. Thank you. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Oh dear - sounds like a cold wet Sunday in Manchester - oh wait, it IS a cold wet....

How are the designs coming along, honey? Have you seen any drawings yet, or timetables? It all sounds exciting and expensive. Perhaps you could interest a reality tv show to pay for all the alterations while they filmed your reactions to the general mayhem.

Love to Aged Ps and love to you
Mwah, mwah
Nanny x

dd said...

Well you only have yourself to blame, you had an invite for a drink. I can't believe you chose the ironing instead. Obviously worried about being bored rigid with tales of Valencia (remind me to tell you about men behaving badly on the balcony).
Anyaway, you don't escape. I will catch you in the week
Love & hugs Dx