Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Scarred For Life

Went to the scar clinic today. What a depressing place Wythenshawe hospital is. And the staff, don't get me started. However, the doctors were nice and, apparently, I saw two of the top plastic surgeons in the country. Unfortunately there isn't a great deal they can do for my scars. They do think, however, that they will get better and less obvious over time. So I had some photos done and they're going to leave me for 6 months during which I have to wear a tube bandage on my arm. This applies pressure to the scar which apparently makes it disappear. No but seriously, it does flatten the scar and cause the red colour to diminish. If there is not much change after 6 months they'll see what can be done with my arm although there would be disadvantages to having further surgery i.e. further scarring! So its a question of wait and see on the scars. Not done much else today. Had a lovely long sleep last night though. And don't forget, its only a couple more days before the year turns and the evenings and mornings start getting lighter again. That's me for you. Always looking on the bright side... J x

1 comment:

NannyOggandGreebo said...

God, you're a right little Pollyanna, aren't you, Jonathan - thank God. Yes indeedy, shortest day tomorrow (is it the Winter Solstice?) so the nights will soon be getting lighter and your social whirl will no doubt get even more hectic.

The tube bandage thing sounds most interesting; do you think it would camoflage/camouflage/camaflage/disguise my wrinkles? I look forward to your report in due course.

So you were disappointed in The Hogfather? I haven't seen it yet because we don't have Sky but I have a video winging its way to me, and am currently re-reading Reaper Man to get my hand in, so to speak. Am hoping that Wintersmith (and a bright pink iPod) might find their way into my Christmas stocking but feel have accumulated insufficient brownie points this year with the old Hogfather. Anyway, why do I need another TP book when I can read your blog, eh??

Love & kisses
Nanny x