Sunday, December 17, 2006

Party On Dude

So went to the party. Which was in Whalley Range (honestly, I didn't know such places existed). But in a nice part of Whalley Range. House was huge (three sitting rooms!). Packed to the rafters with gay men, most of whom I'd never met before. Sounds like heaven? And it would have been at one time except I found myself strangely self concious. Gay people are just so damn judgemental (and I include myself in this). At one point everyone gathered round the piano and sang carols. Only I couldn't join in because I had no idea what my singing voice would sound like. Do you realise I haven't sung along to anything (not even in the shower when I tend to be thinking about work - remember that Bob?) since the operation. Rest assured I have been singing today and it sounds OK - or at least as OK as it ever did. Gordon & Lizzie were there (as was Jim) and it was great to see them all again so I enjoyed myself actually. I was just surprised by my own reactions to a large crowd. Didn't get home until well after midnight. Dirty stop out!

Went to the gym this morning and did a workout which was cool. Now have my own programme to follow which I'm supposed to do 3 times a week but I don't suppose I'll fully get into it until after Xmas now.

Called round to DDs after the gym and then took her Christmas booze shopping (she filled 5 carrier bags) and then went back to bed this afternoon. Watched Hogfather (disappointing) and Lost (cliffhanger as per but we don't get to see any new episodes until February - bastards). Anyway, happy holidays everyone. J x

1 comment:

newcastlewench said...

Hogfather: Susan was perfect. Nobby wasn't at all as I'd imagined him. He only walked on twice but both times he jarred. Teatime looked lovely and menacing, but the pseudo-american accent made him sound like Michael Jackson, and given Teatime's wish to control children this was perhaps not a good idea. And every time he pronounced his own name he said it slightly differently (Tay-a-tiyyy-may; Tay-a-tamm - ay; Tay-a-tamm-ah). But having dissed it, I did enjoy it and omg how nerdy am I. And this Christmas I hope Santa brings me a brand new anorak and a tartan flask to keep my weak lemon squash in.