Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Here I Am

Had a quiet (on the whole) weekend with John. We did some Xmas shopping - I bought myself an Armani jacket and he bought me a book (Wintersmith since you ask). He also bought himself some pants. D & G though darling...

Went to see the new Bond which is terrific. Really enjoyed it and I'm not at all a Bond fan normally. Also watched some DVDs - Pirates of the Carribean (II being better than I in my opinion), Sin City (fantastic photography if a little gory) and something else that I've forgotten about already. No late night partying at all I'm afraid.

Saw DD tonight in the Fat Cat. She's fine and dandy and looking forward to being ** years old on Thursday. Spoke to Mrs T (like the new "Mine's a wine" name though) and she's fine and dandy too as is the redoubtable Mr T. Apparently he's about to buy a kilt.

Aged P's arrive on Friday with their friends from Swansea. They're all staying in the Hilton (on upper floors apparently) and I can't wait to see what the rooms are like. They've already booked restaurants for the 3 nights they're here so I'll only be seeing them during daylight hours.... J x

1 comment:

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Jane, I've a feeling you're more like Queen Magrat; Tiffany is after all a bit of a know-it-all and determinedly stubborn whereas Magrat is fairly romantic and would be bound to wear leopard-print shoes with red bows...

Nanny Ogg loves eating, drinking, singing rude songs and getting down and dirty with the wizards - how real can you get?

Glad you had such an enjoyable weekend, Jonathan; what other excitements have you got lined up in the next week or two?
Nanny x
PS Mr T is going to find it awfully draughty in his fishing boat wearing a kilt....he may need some red wine to keep his circulation going.