Saturday, July 13, 2013

One Night In Bangkok

Went to see The Machine last night with LL.  And apart from the heat in the venue (Campfield Market Hall) it was a fabulous production.  The staging, the script and the acting were all first rate.  Here's a picture -

Luckily we'd been warned about the heat and so had taken fans and iced water with us.  We were sat next to the theatre critic from the Financial Times and so I will have to buy that paper today to see what he thought and to see if he mentions the two annoying people waving fans sat next to him!

Then went for a cocktail (or 6!) in Cloud 23 with LL and DD.  And here's a picture of that (a very arty one as you can see the reflection of the bar staff in the glass of the window). I'm so clever... :-)

Cloud 23 was rather pleasingly full of trannies as this weekend is Sparkle - a national event celebrating all things transgendered.  The only disappointment is that it means that when I go clubbing with Fig next weekend we are unlikely to find any trannies to talk to as they'll all be at home recovering from this weekend :-( 

Maxine Peake and the Masque of Anarchy tonight.  Going to that Cuban restaurant on Peter Street for a meal first.  That's all. J x


fig said...

'Trannylack'... look it up in the dictionary ... there's a picture of me looking disappointed.

Oh I'm such a tourist when it comes to subcultures ... being a member of one (or two) myself.

Jonathan said...

Sweetie you're such a tourist when it comes to many things...