Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Time

Sod the mistletoe, bring on the wine. Lunch has been consumed, Aged Ps are snoring on the sofa which gives me a bit of blog time. Had some fab presents - a display case (bespoke, made by a local carpenter and very very nice), a Gant scarf (which I purchased myself for them to give to me but I love it) and, drum roll, a bowler hat! How clever are the Ageds? I've wanted one for ages and not got around to buying one and they just went onto Amazon, casual as you like, and snapped one up. And it fits and it looks brilliant. Shall be wearing it everywhere from now on (I have it on as I type) and becoming a complete bowler hatted bore (as opposed to just the ordinary type of bore).

Also heard from one of my Team and he's proposed to his girlfriend and she's said yes which is great. Another Team member found out this month that his wife will be giving birth to a boy - trust me, it don't get much more heterosexual than life on my Team...!

And that's about it so far. Watched Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds in Singing In The Rain this morning and decided that I will have a birthday party in 2011 and the theme will be "Hollywood" so get your thinking caps on now. All blog readers are invited - even if I don't like you! That's all. Merry Xmas. J x

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