Friday, September 24, 2010

Can You Smell Fish?

So here I am stuck in the middle of bloody nowhere and New Tricks is on the telly. How on earth anyone can watch that load of tripe is beyond me but I long ago gave up trying to understand the telly viewing habits of the Aged Ps. They're even getting excited about some new cricket stuff coming up soon. How is that possible now we know they're all corrupt? It really is beyond me.

Anyway, I've retreated to my bedroom with the computer and I've been reading some blogs and comments from way back when this all started. And at one point people started blogging jokes - I must have been depressed or something? Maybe I had cancer? Who can remember... but anywho there's a joke about budgies and smelling fish (thank you Newcastle Wench) and I've just realised that I don't understand it. Can anyone explain? Ta. That's all. J x

1 comment:

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Dear me, how bad tempered you sound. aren't you supposed to be on holiday safe in the bosom of your family? You'll be old and cranky yourself some time soooooon....
Yes, please resurrect the jokes!