Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sartre Got It Wrong

Hell isn't other people, Hell is Amateur Dramatics. I suppose I shouldn't complain, its all in a good cause but the Lowry "Showcase" has to be experienced to be believed. First of all there's the audience - people who think that the simple application of a sequin to a T Shirt turns the garment into suitable attire for the theatre (it doesn't). Some people don't even bother with the sequin. They just walk straight out of the Primark changing room and into the theatre (having not been home to shower first). And then there are the Performers (always with a capital P). Of course Jim's lot are fantastic - and you really can't go wrong with Mary Poppins if you have a man and a woman who can sing. But Mamma Mia is an abomination anyway but when its performed by amateurs whose social workers believe that music and movement helps them with their anger issues (well, it certainly didn't help me with mine) it takes one straight to the Eighth Circle. And then there was "Witchfinder" (The Crucible set to music - I know, don't get me started). To be fair they had a cute blonde guy with a fabulous voice but you need some serious music to deal with burning witches, not an Andrew Lloyd Weber treatment where the witchfinder actually falls in love with the witch and they sing about it in a song designed to be recorded by Celine Dion and, oh I don't know, Elton John or someone. Honestly, my mouth hung open for the entire thing (and not just because of the cute blonde guy either).

Anyway, I'm home now so that's that over for another year. And also, to be fair, the professionals don't always get it right either. Sondheim at The Bridgewater on Saturday night could have been better. Hope you're all fine.

Tuesday will be going to the funeral of DDs father-in-law. I knew of him rather than actually knowing him but I have met her mother-in-law who is a complete sweetheart. Illness really sucks. Coping when someone who is a huge part of your life suddenly isn't there any longer is virtually impossible to start with. DD knows this as well as I do but we also know that you learn to get on with life but you never ever forget. And that's important. That's all. Sorry to finish on a sad note. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Wow, talk about the Butcher of can always start a new career as theatre critic of the Independent. Just as well there was a cute blonde guy or you might have told us what you really thought.
Anyway, what's wrong with the odd sequin or two, or even three?
Sorry about DD's father-in-law but you will obviously support her as she supports you. Still, please pass on condolences.
Nanny x

NannyOggandGreebo said...
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fig said...

I just love you theatrical reviews. Sharpen your claws for the festival ... I'm booking travel tickets this weekend, so I'll be ringing to confirm arrivals etc ... might try the train this time, it's actually only an hour or so longer door-to-door ... but flying is such an eco-baddie thrill nowadays that I might book first class and pour oil from the plane as I go ...

Jonathan said...

Fabulosa. Am really looking forward to seeing you.

Train journey Euston to Manchester is really good and if you book far enough in advance, the price for First Class is reasonable too. Only issue is crossing London with luggage. I advise a cab - its public and its transport sweetie... J x

Kathryn said...

I roared with laughter at this description of the joys of am-drams. Thank you for that.

I agree with you about the sad decline in dress standards at the theatre, even at the opera. Andrew has to stop me harumphing when I see people who look as though they've been gardening in what they are wearing.