Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lang Lang Rules

Despite sounding like a panda, Lang Lang is, in fact, a piano player. Now I'm not normally a huge fan of the piano but I have never felt such emotion when watching a classical concert before. The man is incredible. It was just him on stage with a piano for about 2 and a half hours but it was unbelievable. The Bartok wasn't so much a piece of music as an assault on the piano. It was all out war with not a tune in sight and yet it was fantastic. The Schubert was exquisite and the Debussy was lovely. Even the Chopin was great and I hate Chopin (just too boring for words). And then he did an encore of Chinese folk songs which were, well, Chinese sounding. The Bridgewater Hall was a sell out and they (and I) loved him. If you ever get a chance to go and see this man play pay whatever it takes. You won't regret it. No photos though (sorry Jane). J x


Unknown said...

Lang lang I thought you were practising your scottish vernacular! Sounds like you had a fantastic evening.
Presume the aged p's will be getting into the snooker...kev is too busy constructing in the garden, in readiness for our summer house!
Will ring you later in the week.
Take care. xxxx The T's

Jonathan said...

Was talking about you last night (ears burning?). Gill and I went to the cinema - Duplicity, really silly and not worth the effort - and she was asking after you. I said you never phoned, you never rang... I became quite the Jewish mother! Anyway, talk soon. Hope you're having this lovely weather. I have a free weekend as Ms DD is in Paris (I know, without me!)> J x