Monday, August 12, 2013

Scan Booked

I'm going nuclear on 19/08.  All you pregnant ladies need to keep away from me for 24 hours.  And all you pregnant gentlemen too (I'm an equal opportunities blog). I have had a nuclear scan before and it's nothing to worry about too much.  To be honest it was actually hell for me last time because, if you can remember that far back, it was when I was experiencing all the pain - back, hernia and a whole bunch of other pain - and simply lying in the scanner was really painful for me and I had to do it for half an hour.  I don't expect to have that this time.  That's all.  J x


fig said...

Crikey. I don’t read your blog for a few days only to return and find you’ve gone blogging mental.

I trust this was not just the effect of Campari? (for God’s sake man pull yourself together, I know you’re ill, but Campari? It’s the drink of synthetic fabric wearers).

Moving on (and apologising to Campari Fans everywhere*). As young people might say ‘totes glad’ you enjoyed Sharknado; it sounds like a film that goes well with an excess of alcohol, so really you were bound to enjoy it.

Your pots look lovely and I’m very glad the birds have rediscovered your nuts. They were hanging there all untouched for ages, so it’s good to have them nibbled once more.

You’ll be delighted to know that you are just about to become slightly more famous … if my appearance on a panel at ‘Nineworlds Geekfest’ this weekend prompts the sale of any more copies of ‘Queers Dig Time Lords’ … remembering, Dear Readers that my little contribution to that book was dedicated to the Fair Lush that authors this very blog.

Also – fun fact – have you heard of ‘Bronies’? No? Me neither. But they are male fans of ‘My Little Pony’ and there were a clutch (a paddock?, a herd?, a worry?) of them at the Geekfest enjoying and sharing their world. I stayed a safe distance away preferring my much more conventional strand of Queer Doctor Who Fandom … I felt positively conventional at this unconventional convention (…thanks Frank).

Big Blubs for Karen Black and also for one of the three remaining Munchkins who also died last week.

And mentioning Miss Black, I’m going to close by paraphrasing her and hope your imminent tests don’t leave you sick to your uh-uh-uh stomach.

Such Love,

Fig x x x

* and wearers of synthetic fabrics, natch.

Jonathan said...

Fig being fabulous in the comments section as ever. I should just point out though that he is paraphrasing Cher there at the end rather than dear Karen... :-) J x

Jonathan said...

Still me... a hoof of Bronies? A wither? And congrats on your panel appearance and your ability to get a Rocky quote onto the blog (Rocky quotes always welcome).

And I think it's about time Campari drinkers came out of the closet. It's actually quite a sophisticated, complicated taste. And it's really pretty. And pink. And everything. :-) J x

fig said...

get you