Thursday, August 09, 2012

Back In Manchester...

...but not back to work until Monday.  Yay!

Yesterday wasn't bad news.  To hospital lunchtime for father to have his regular warfarin blood test.  No worries there.

Afternoon saw us back to hospital for Mum to see the oncologist for her ovarian cancer.  Oncologist is happy not to re-start the chemotherapy unless and until the secondary tumour on her adrenal gland starts growing again.  She is recommending scans at 3 monthly intervals.  The PET scan on Tuesday will be the first but the results weren't back yet.

The lung chap (remember the spot?) will also have a look at the PET scan and call Mum in either next week or the week after depending on how quickly the report comes back.

So at the moment, no news is good news but watch this space.

Golds in boxing and Strictly Come Dressage today so well done Team GB.  I am feeling a little uneasy about this total focus on golds though (and I'm as bad as the next person in doing it).  I know that the "taking part" attitude sounds a bit old hat and I do think that it is worth striving for something and aiming for goals (if that's your thing) but gold at all costs with everything else being a failure doesn't sit well either.  What is the answer?  No idea but happy to receive your thoughts (assuming anyone apart from Fig and Nanny a) read this and b) can remember how to comment!).

Spoke to Jean whilst I was in Swansea.  I used to work with Jean in the post office over 20 years ago and we haven't spoken since until recently.  How fantastic she managed to track me down.  Will now arrange a meet up next time I'm down the road again.

And that's all for now.  Great to see the Aged Ps but also goos to be back on my own sofa.  TTFN.  J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Glad for the good news re the Parentals. Olynmpics have been much better than I anticipated and although I agree about the emphasis on gold medals, think the spectators seem to have been exceptionally good about cheering on the people who have really shone, or who have character, regardless of winning. Some of the participants have been especially appealing or have had such emotive reasons for taking part. Hope the closing ceremoney is better than the opening one but I fear it turning into some giant musical concert. I pray to be proved wrong.

Am sure lots of people reading blog and wanting to comment but sometimes proving you are not a robot is more taxing than putting the comment on in the first place...aaaagh. Also perhaps the permissions have gone wonky as on the bookdiaries blog...

Hope to see you before the next Olympics......

spotsrus said...

Well, I will try...(must try harder I can hear you say)

Have been keeping all things crossed for your Mum and will continue to do so.

Am sure lots of people read the blog but like me a) either refuse to rise to your bait or b) have had problems getting access.
Enjoy today...who knows what excitement awaits you at work.

The T's xxx

Jonathan said...

Dearest Nanny, you will indeed see me before the next Olympics. That's a promise!

And the Ts. Hello. Hope you're coping well in the distant North. What with the age of one of you and all... :-) J x