Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 3

No medals today yet.  But Tom in speedos is coming up later.  Did I mention he'll be wearing speedos?

So far today I have been watching fencing (impenetrable rules and clothing), cross-country (horses), rowing (Go Grainger!), canoe slalom (very wet) and swimming (tight stuff).  I loooooove the Olympics.  But not enjoying Gary Lineker at all.  Now I have nothing against Gary as such, he's a great football commentator, he dresses well and, assuming he's had as much work done on his body as he has on his face, I'm willing to bet he looks OK with his clothes off too. But he knows nothing about any other sports.  They've had to take Ian Thorpe out of the studio that had Gary in it because he was getting so annoyed with La Lineker's inane comments about swimming.

Commentators doing well so far, imho, are Mark Foster and Clare Thingy on swimming and that guy who gets ludicrously over-excited at the rowing.  And, of course, Sir Steve.  Chris Boardman on the cycling has been good too although I think he doesn't get on well with his co-commentator either.

And who decided that guy off Countryfile would be good commentating on gymnastics?  He knows nothing.

But that's my rant over for the day.  Likely to blog later about Tom.  In speedos.  Him, not me that is.  J x

1 comment:

fig said...

Matt Bsker was a gymmnast... and he's a hottie