Saturday, February 11, 2012


Mum has had a letter which calls her in for a consultation on 05/03. Given that this is a little way off we're assuming this must mean that there isn't too much to worry about. But knowing the NHS as I do, I'm not convinced. But she will go and see her GP this week (who is very good) to find out what she should be reading into this and what she should be doing. I'l let you know.

In the meantime the Aged's have 2 funerals to go to on Monday - next door but one: Barbara, a lovely woman who died of a brain tumour quite suddenly. She was only in her 50s too. The other funeral is for the man who did the eulogy at Sally's funeral. He was wonderful at that but a bit of an odd character otherwise and has been ill for some time. Obviously they can do without a lot of funerals just now.

I'm fine. Work is work. DD and Lesley are coming around tomorrow evening to watch the BAFTAs which means, of course, cleaning. Hey ho. I'm sure it will be a fun night anyway. That's all. J x

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