Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lovely Lovely Lovely

Had a fantastic long weekend with young Figster. We saw Carousel (starring the lovely Jim) which was surprisingly good. Not seen it before and it has some nice songs in it. Saw A Chorus Line on Saturday which Fig actually enjoyed (having always professed to hating it previously). Not a huge audience though which was a bit disappointing. Off to Napoleaons afterwards for the usual tranny-fest. Sunday was a recovery day spent (mainly) in front of the Playstation with a brief outing to The Whitworth art gallery to see the Wallpaper exhibition - which is very good. Monday we traipsed over to the Tate in Liverpool only to discover it doesn't open on a Monday. I was really annoyed by this. A major attraction in a major city should not close on a Monday. It just smacks of old style thinking if you ask me. We live in the 21st century everybody. My taxes pay for you to be open so you owe it to me to be open. And that's all I have to say on the matter. Also some more Playstation. Fig left this morning and I've been clearing up/playing the Playstation! Not back to work until Thursday so I shall spend some time tomorrow clearing out my hall cupboard. Oh what an exciting life I lead. Its been a great break though and fantastic to spend some time with my best Southern mate. That's all. J x

1 comment:

fig said...

Yes a brilliant long-weekend; moments of culture and booze punctuated by extended attempts to kill and maim (a computer game). Perfect - thankyou darling for a faaaabulous time x x x