Monday, May 25, 2009

So Busy

Its been ages since my last blog so apologies for that. But the job just takes up so much time at the moment that by the time I get home I'm exhausted. I'm hoping things will quieten down slightly as we move into June and I'll be able to catch up with myself and start doing less than 10 hour days.

Having said that I'm still loving the job and learning almost as much about myself as I am about my team (but we don't need to go into all that here - that's probably a conversation I need to have with my psychiatrist: Dr Vodka). Have a training course on Wednesday to find out how to be a "confident manager". Let's see if I learn anything new...

Out of work I haven't had much time for anything. Although I did see DD and quite a lot of my psychiatrist on Friday at a new bar in town (was OK but probably not going back in a rush - its called Eparney or something like that). Spent Saturday recovering. Yesterday was cleaning and gardening with a trip to the garden centre this morning to spend some of my leaving present from the Manchester office (spent £80, £50 to go). Later this afternoon I'm off to the cinema with Gill - Angels & Demons which I'm really looking forward to. I enjoyed the book more than the Da Vinci code and a lot of this film is set in Rome which I love. DD calling round later to drop the car off and share a coffee and a catch up. Now feeling fairly chilled (the extra day off has done me good) which is nice for a change. That's all. J x

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