Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Quiet Weekend. Sort Of.

Well, at least I didn't do anything Saturday night. Friday night was a couple of martinis at The Midland followed by vodka and soup (in quantity order!) at DD's and the last episode of Mad Men. There has to be another series, it is just so good. Anyway, woke up on her sofa having succumbed to the effects of Absolut and a tough week and then stumbled home. Nice quiet day yesterday - hair cut and dry cleaners. And then tried (once again) to eat pasta in the evening. Usual failure. Ho hum. No change on the saliva front then. Today will be a trip to Sainsburys and John Lewis followed by the new Star Trek with Gill. Can't wait!

Aged Ps are on their way back from Portugal having enjoyed bright sunshine and hot temperatures all week (apart from yesterday when it rained). Will be good to have them home safe and sound. Another busy week in work ahead and Book Group Monday evening at Room (where I believe they are currently serving half price cocktails - uh oh, particularly since I have another conference to attend on Tuesday). That's all. J x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is bookclub on? Theres nothing on the site or on e-mail?