Saturday, May 12, 2007

Turfed Out

Back in Manchester a day early after being thrown out by my parents. Honestly, you go down to visit, drive your father hither and thither, do all the hoovering (upstairs and downstairs!) and then they throw you out on the stret and say never darken our doorway again. OK, so I'm being a little over-dramatic here. And maybe it had something to do with the fact that the weather forecaast for tomorrow is so horrendous that it would have been dangerous driving home. But honestly! Thrown out! (actually I think the nearnesss of the Eurovision Song Contest on telly tonight had more to do with it that the weather but they'll never admit that).

Anyway, you'll be glad to know that The Foot is looking good and much less painful than it was. The house is now clean (well at least the carpets are...). And we're not buying a new car. Went to have a look at the new Volvo C30 but Mum couldn't get out of the back of it without a hoist so its a non-starter. Also went looking at lap tops in PC World. What a waste of time that was. Some pre-teen girl with greasy ginger hair attemptedd to tell us about lap tops but patently knew less than I did and did her cause no good whatsoever. I certainly won't be shopping there again.

And that's about all the news I think. Seeing Sean on Thursday and back to the eye hospital on Friday. And busy busy busy in work as per. Had a lovely card from Linda (in Crawley). Thank you Linda. And that's yer lot for now. Hope the Harvey Nicks book group went OK and look forward to hearing what we're doing next (have nearly finished Primo Levi - what a fantastic book). J x


fig said...

Eurovision. Is it just me or are we everso slighty over this now? It was such fun when it was niave and crap and people with little grasp of English emoted about Lurve. But now every Former European 'Country' thinks that it is hilarious to offer a hod carrier dressed in sequins, it has somehow lost its appeal.

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Over-dramatic? You? Never!

Glad to hear The Foot is recovering well and that you took your cleaning duties seriously.

Shall you now be attending a Eurovision party? This has become an annual thrash for lots of people who only wish to poke fun at dear old Tel. Poor old gadger, he does his best, bless him.

Yes, review of Prada book now on blog. You will see that Cannery Row is the next choice which has come highly recommended. Hope you'll be able to attend next one, my dear.

Have a fun night,
Much love
Nanny x

fig said...

I take it all back.Eurovision was fabulous, one of the best ever. Ukraine was robbed!