Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Off Again

Another busy weekend. Gardening Saturday morning followed by Jekyll & Hyde the (amateur) musical on Saturday night. What a fantastic show! Had been dreading it because, you know, it was amateur and it was one of my not favourite musicals. But what a great job the company had done. The sets were really good and professional looking (hardly any wobble), the principal singers had great voices and the tunes weren't as bad as I remembered them. Thouroughly enjoyed myself. Also got to see loads of people I hadn't seen for ages. Sunday was a brief trip to the gym with Denise followed by B & Q (hurrah, another bank holiday and another B & Q trip) plus a visit to some god-forsaken furniture store with some of the worst sofas ever created (if Sue Poulton is reading this they were even worse than the horse-head sofas!). Monday was housework (boo) followed by a drink with, you guessed it, Ms Drury at, you guessed it, Dimitris. Then back to work Tuesday for a very very busy day. Off to Swansea this morning and back to Manchester on Sunday. The Foot is progressing well and is being seen by the nurse this morning. Watch this space for an update. The tragedy of this timing of this visit to Swansea is that a) I get to miss the book group discussing The Devil Wears Prada in Harvey Nichols and b) the fact that Eurovision night will be spent in Swansea rather than at some fabulous party thrown by my friend Cath. Greater love hath no man than that he give up a Eurovisin party to spend time with the Aged Ps! Toodle pip for now. J x

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