Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Brief Encounter

Went to see it at The Cornerhouse tonight. What a preposterous film. And yet aslo strangely moving. It was certainly good fun watching it in the cinema. Spent yesterday afternoon in Alderley edge with my designers looking at sound and light and electronic wizadry. Alderley Edge is pretty cool too and we had lunch there. Spent lunchtime today running round building societies wondering how I'm going to pay for all that electronic wizadry... J x


newcastlewench said...

Presumably, to pay for wizardy you need to take some gold out of your Gringotts account. You'd have to go to Diagon Alley in person though, I don't think they've got internet banking.

newcastlewench said...

Oh, and Brief Encounter - how did you not weep buckets?! And all that repressed sexuality was somehow erotic. The ending - even robbed of the chance of a proper farewell. The greatest love that never was. So english, so devoted to duty. And Noel did the screenplay. Too too wonderful dahling.