Thursday, April 13, 2006


Afraid I'm under rather a lot of very heavy drugs at the moment and have been so for some time. I'm not saying I didnt mean those things but ..... get a life girlfriend. The fact is I have survived some things. I may still have cancer but then so may you. The things I have been through and am yet to go through may not be pleasant but then I've seen where some of you live and you ain't got it coming any easier neither sisters (apparently one of my transfusions may have included blood from La Gloria Herself). Let us all take a quiet moment here chillin. Its true that my appearance has altered fairly radically and I'm really not ready for my close up but I may be anytime soon - just watch this space. Lets see how things stand after Easter. I hope you all get really fat (moi-meme now being a whole lot less than he was) and finally, finally, finally can I ask you all to put your hands together for the support team that is my Mum and Dad. Never was a fighter endowed with 2 worthier champions than I am with them. All together now... "At first I was afraid. I was petrified.... J x


fig said...

Heavy drugs my arse. You've always been a Sweary Mary. I just spoke to your poor Mother, who hadn't read the previous post when we conversed. I had to warn her to read it with her eyes closed. My poor Mother, on the other hand, had read it and I had to explain to her what some of the words meant.

Mind you I'm surprised you were able to type. Your Ma said you'd got me letter and 'handy phrase cards'... how were you able to type whislt wiping tears of laughter from your eyes?

Very glad to hear that you are now able to speak again and mince around the ward. I shan't repeat your 'first words' here, but your Mother did tell me what they were. You filthy heathen.

Thrilled to know that you are slowly mending. Keep your thumb on that morphine drip, we want more swearing please.

Fig x x x x

newcastlewench said...

That was just like an Oscar speech - tears, laughter, big hair, and a heartfelt thanks for your Producers.....