Friday, October 19, 2012


4 hours sleep last night bunnies.  Hurrah.  I am thinking of asking Dr Bailey to prescribe me 2 vodka martinis to be taken before bedtime since alcohol clearly helps. :-)  J x


fig said...

Alcohol always helps; over the years I've had it as a poultice, intravenously, mixed with food, as a filler, used it as make-up, bathed in it, washed in it, I once even drank it. It's gods little miracle here on earth.

sarah h. said...

My response to your post was exactly the same as Fig's - a little voice in my head said "Alcohol always helps". Well, it does.

Jonathan said...

But your response, Sarah, didn't shamelessly plagiarise Victoria Wood (more properly Susie Blake) with no attribution...