Friday, October 26, 2012

Onc Onc

Why have one oncologist when you can have two?

Saw Dr Burt from The Christie this morning.  Turns out that he's not the one who will be overseeing my chemotherapy.  That's Dr Summers also from The Christie.  If I need any radiotherapy after the chemotherapy then it will be back to Dr Burt.  But since he's the person who attends the MRI multi-disciplinary team meeting I needed to see him first.  We talked at length about how this developed and where we go next (a lot of which has previously been discussed with Dr Bailey and which I'm sure must be in my notes - how many times do I need to tell people I've never worked with asbestos?  Do I look like a fucking builder?).

Some stuff was quite interesting though.  He was at pains to emphasise that the 12-18 months is an average and that some people do worse and some people do better.  Of course he's no clue how I'll do until he sees how I react to the treatment.  In any case I have decided to at least start the treatment and see how it goes.  Apparently I'm likely to be on carboplatin rather than cisplatin.  The former has less side effects than the latter which is good news.

There will be 6 cycles maximum with each cycle taking three weeks.  That of course runs right through Christmas.  Oh joy.

For those of you on the edge of your seats my trip yesterday evening was a tour of the Coronation Street set.  We know a person who works in the wardrobe department and she showed us around everywhere - including watching some filming in the Rovers Return.  V exciting.  Have even been told there may be the possibility of me appearing as an extra at some point in the future. V v exciting.  Watch this space.  Interestingly they are currently filming the Christmas story lines so all the sets have the decorations up at the moment.


Tonight I'm seeing Michele later to catch up with all the New York tales and the tales of Bryn from Wythenshawe hospital.  Exchanged texts with him this morning and can report he's not a happy bunny as a patient.  I so sympathise with him. :-(

And that's all for now people.  More updates tomorrow hopefully (sorry you didn't get anything yesterday).

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