Friday, December 06, 2013


Still in Manchester. Have seen GP this morning to get lots of controlled substances in bottles.  He asked me whether I'd ever considered suicide.  I said that depended on whether he was going to write me a prescription for controlled substances...

Have CT scan at lunch time.  The ever effervescent Jude is taking me there and back.

Have started writing my tribute speech for the funeral but it's really difficult.  And I've no idea whether I'm going to be able to manage it on the day. I know it would have meant a lot to my Mum though and it will mean a lot to my Dad so I'll get through it somehow. We've chosen a lovely family photo for the front of the order of service.

Don't think I've mentioned it before but there are flowers from the immediate family only.  Otherwise, donations to Cancer Research UK c/o St James Funeral Home, St James Gardens, Swansea SA1 6DT (in the name of Janet Lewis).

Luckily have not had much time to just sit and think.  There's just so much to do when arranging a funeral.  It's insane.  Not looking forward to the period afterwards though.  That's when it wil really hit home I suspect.  But the there's Xmas and New Year to get through and then, in all likelihood, I'll be starting treatment so I may not have much time afterwards either.

My whereabouts, in case you need to contact me, over the next few weeks are -

07/12 - 10/12, Swansea

11/12 - 14/12, Manchester

15/12 - 17/12, Swansea

18/12 - 23/12, Manchester

24/12 - 02/01, Swansea

03/01 - ?  Manchester

And that's all for now.  J x

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