Thursday, September 20, 2012

Who Knew?

Appears that I qualify for Disability Living Allowance (non means tested) of £130 per week.  Difficult one this because I feel a bit of a fraud if I do take it now as I'm on full pay from work but on the other hand who knows what is likely to happen further down the line and what sort of financial position I might be in?  I think I need to at least get a definitive diagnosis on what type of cancer this is before we go down that route.  I'll also, incidentally, qualify for a blue badge for parking the car.  Fab!

Everything was going so well yesterday when I blogged but then went downhill late afternoon/early evening when I had quite a lot of pain again.  I even had to resort to the take home morphine for the first time.  Luckily that hasn't continued though and I had another good night last night and another good morning so far today.  I've even managed to drain my pleura this morning (the amount of liquid was minimal but I'm not sure whether this is a good or a bad thing) without apparently giving myself a fatal infection (at least my temperature hasn't gone up yet).  In any case I'm not feeling breathless so it suggests there isn't a lot of fluid there pressing on my lung.  Which I think must be good.  My Oxygen SATS are also quite good at the moment during the day when I'm not using oxygen at all - just at night.

Had a call from the GP this morning and he's happy to come and see me if necessary.  We've left it that we'll see how things go this weekend and I'll call him if I want to see him next week.  In the meantime I'll have a visit from Rosie tomorrow anyway.

Spoke to Denise this morning who is enjoying the wonders of Sri Lanka which she says is a beautiful place.  The people are really nice too.  Everything is fine and hunky dory there (apart from having to watch cricket of course) and the temperature is a balmy 29C.

Aged Ps are fine and have just popped out for lunch as I have a visitor lunchtime today.  Also owe a few people phone calls this afternoon.

Can't remember if I explained that my mother has been given a three month reprieve from any further treatment so looks like they might be here until Denise gets back.  I'm not sure that will be completely necessary because I would hope that I just start to feel better and better as the days go on but lets wait and see.

And that's all for now.  Just about to take a couple of precautionary tramadol to se me through the afternoon.  Happy days!  J x


sarah h. said...

"Precautionary tramadol" sounds like an album by as particularly happening young band, no?

Kathryn said...

Why not accept the funding, given that you're entitled to it, and having it may "unlock" other services in the future. I can understand your reluctance to spend it, but you could keep it in a separate savings account and donate to a favourite charity e.g. the helpline, Macmillan nurses, etc.

Having said that, I think keeping you in vodka is a very worthy cause ;-)

Jonathan said...

Me too. :-)