Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It Is Working. Yay!

So first impressions of Wythenshawe hospital aren't good. The admittance procedures are a complete bureaucratic farce - and we think we have problems in HMRC!

Don't like the nurse who's in charge of me. OK if I take my own painkillers? Fine, you can take them in the morning too. No checking what I'm on, whether I'm about to attempt suicide etc. also don't like the anaesthetist. He doesn't give a stuff about me and my pain and seemed put out that me and DD were asking questions.

However, we do like my consultant Mr Soon. Young-ish, possibly Korean, only one who shook my hand... and we do like Jonathan, our clinical support worker who has just shaved my chest. He doubts himself and worries about giving out the wrong drugs hence he won't train to be a nurse. Dear reader, I'm already working on it.

Looks like I'm first or second on the list in the morning so hopefully I'll be in a position to blog then and let you know how it all went. Sleep well. I won't. :-) J x


jw said...

Hey hunny, it's that Wensleywoman. Spidey senses said to look you up and make contact and here you are, in a pickle but still easily the handsomest rake on the ward.
Hope Young Soon is as top-class as Young Sean was.
Coming to see you soon, but don't worry I won't do it unannounced.
Big hugs and big love
Jacky xxxxx

maggie said...

Hi J. Just heard from Ev who'd just seen DD. Do hope the pain lessens after the op and they drain all the fluid off. We're starting our mammoth trek to the back of beyond tomorrow morning but I'll ring DD after visiting tomorrow night for an update. We're both thinking about you, J. Love Maggie x