Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Free at Last

Well it took a little longer than initially hoped but I'm now back home. I'm still covered with loads of dressings and an oozing drain site but everything looks OK from the operation point of view. I don't however recommend getting stuck on the short stay ward of the Elective Treatment Centre over a weekend. I was the only one in my bay on Saturday and for most of Sunday and there are no TVs. Mobile reception is dodgy because of the proximity to the operating theatres (apparently) and if you have the sort of wound that makes it difficult to move around you'll go stir crazy. God I was bored. And the wound hurts like hell if I move - but I guess that's true of any abdominal wound because you pretty much use your stomach muscles every time you move (as I'm finding out). The morphine helped of course but it wasn't as good as before. Either there are the words "drug seeking" emblazoned on my file somewhere which means they're giving me weaker doses or I'm just over morphine. Either way hospital isn't as much fun as it used to be. And I had some bastard nurses this time. I had to wait an hour and a half for painkillers one day. Not a happy bunny.

So that's dealt with the hospital stay (thank you very much by the way for all your good wishes - they make a huge difference). As to the reason my gall bladder was in a mess the answer is we don't know yet. Obviously I'm hoping its not cancer. It may just have been an infection. Either way we won't know until the histology is returned in a week or two. If its worrying they'll phone me straight away. I have to report to my local GP nurse for a wound check on Friday and then its off to Swansea and Christmas. I'm looking forward to it. No other news at present but now I'm out I'll try and keep you updated regularly. Tha's all. J x


fig said...

So pleased that you are at home and able to rest in familar surroundings with the Ps to assist. I am imagining you reclining in your room listening to an aria or two whilst the Ps finish the grouting in your shower.

Unknown said...

Well thank heavens you are home safe if not a tad sore! Have tried various methods of contact and was about to release the carrier pidgeons. Anyway most importantly you are home and will be cared for by the P's.

Will try to get hold of you before to set off for welsh wales.

Love the T's