Monday, May 01, 2006

Todaay...Nothing...Tomorrow...The Garden Centre

V excited obviously. Can't remember the last time I went to a garden centre. I shall be buying a maple tree, some privet bushes, some compost and a bench. This will be in line with my new and exciting plan for the terrace. Can't wait!

Denise called round tonight and Gill this afternoon so busy day for visitors. My parents (and the snooker) were banished to the bedroom for a (very) brief period.

Need to speak to the doctor (painkillers) and the nutritionist (food) tomorrow and Caroline is calling round lunch time to look at my dressings. Christy (my favourite nurse on the Head & Neck Surgical Unit) called today to find out how I was getting on which was really nice. I now need to invest in some boxes of biscuits to drop off at HNSU, HDU and ITU.

And that's all for today. Hopefully lots of exciting developments (and exciting plants) to report tomorrow. Sleep well all my lovely lovely friends out there in cyberland. J x


Jonathan said...

Oh Bugger. Aren't we on GMT then?

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Hey Mr Techno Genius

Can you help Dulcie sort out our book blog? We can't get the nice headings and separate original posts that you achieve and after all the great jokes she's posted for you, I think it only fair you should contribute to the book blog, too. After all, she has a French home with termites to contend with..

Hope today is action-packed and full of fun for you; the terrace scheme sounds ambitious and interesting. Can't wait to see it in due course.
Pen x

Jonathan said...

Blog schmlog. Fraid I'm no technical genius and I have no idea how these things work. I just click on the "Blog This" tag and it takes me to a screen with 2 boxes. One for a title and one for a message (you have to delete the blog name from each box before you type anything). Hope this helps. I'm also no good with termites. Although I think that "Va te faire foutre" means "f**k off" in French. She could try that. J x

Bloggerhead said...

Have tried your comment on the termites, but they simply shrug their little termitey shoulders in a very French way as if to say. "what the hell did that mean?" come on boys lets carry on munching this delicious looking architrave or similar!

Thanks for the advice anynow....